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Posts: 2


Topic: [WEB]Script

Hello i really need a stats and webregister script, except that webregister0.2beta or 0.4 .. i see that pvpgn 1.99 get some modify source and old webregister0.2beta don't work for that anymore.



Re: [WEB]Script


Depending on your needs you can use:
a) for Starcraft
b) for DotA (with OHSystem that will be upgraded soon to support PvPGN)
c) fix webregister and stats you are talking about or wait when it will be done by someone else

Actually this is low priority for now, but no doubt this is a very important thing.
If you have a web programming expirience or you know people who are good in that then you are welcome!

Do not ask for support in PM.

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