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Posts: 4

1 (edited by Clarin 16.12.2014 19:44)

Topic: Error Icon character and channels error

Hi, i'm new over here! and I need some help  big_smile
I downloaded the last version of pvpgn and I compiled it. Everything was ok.
When I get into the server (configured with I saw that the icon of my sorceress wasn't ok... take a look:

I went to the pvpgn and i found this error:

Dec 14 18:40:57 [trace] pvpgn::bnetd::customicons_get_icon_by_account: could not find attr_key in iconset for tag D2XP

EDIT: I solved that error setting 'false' in the icons.conf


Channels error:

And when I wrote /chs all on the chat, this appeared  neutral

Can you help me?
Thanks so much!!
Best regards  lol


Re: Error Icon character and channels error

Thanks for the first issue, it should be changed in default settings for D2XP.
I'll look into the second issue when I return to the pvpgn development.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Error Icon character and channels error

Hi, I have the same error of the monk in the chat, what could it be?


Re: Error Icon character and channels error

kill wrote:

Hi, I have the same error of the monk in the chat, what could it be?

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