Topic: [Solved] about use pvpgn-magic-builder build d2gs1.09d
Use pvpgn-magic-builder build d2gs1.09d, win7 can run. But win2003, win2008, win2012 can not run,
PvPGN Community Forums | → [EN] Diablo → [Solved] about use pvpgn-magic-builder build d2gs1.09d
Use pvpgn-magic-builder build d2gs1.09d, win7 can run. But win2003, win2008, win2012 can not run,
Any errors?
I have successfully run D2GS 1.09d on Windows Server 2008.
The problem should be is in the absence of the required version of VC++ Redistributable installed on your machine.
I have installed vc 2005,2008,2010,2012,2013.
08/20 11: 19: 27.292 main: failed StartServiceCtrlDispatcher
08/20 11: 19: 36.158 ServerSetParameter: set working directory to "d: \ pvpgn \ d2gs \ 1.09d"
08/20 11: 19: 36.158 D2GSControler: started, process id 2924
08/20 11: 19: 36.158 D2GSControler: D2GS Server is not running
08/20 11: 19: 36.180 D2GSSVCDoUpdate: entering auto update service
08/20 11: 19: 36.180 UpdateDownloadFile: failed download to file update.script
08/20 11: 19: 36.180 RunServer: Using CmdLine "D2GS.EXE"
08/20 11: 19: 36.198 RunServer: Server started successfully, process id: 1284
08/20 11: 19: 37.430 D2GSControler: D2GS Server is not running
08/20 11: 19: 37.430 SetD2GSStopEvent: create an event NOT owned by d2gs
08/20 11: 19: 37.430 D2GSControler: stopped.
This version can be run after adjustment compatibility
By "adjustment compatibility" do you mean a compatibility mode with older Windows versions in properties of the program? Or replace Magic Builder D2GS files with the files from the URL?
Magic Builder D2GS 1.09d,Can not run
If use this version(, compatibility mode with Windows7 versions,
Double-click to run d2gs.exe。windows service mode is also not。
I was installed in English win2008 r2, try to say
Install windows 2008 r2
Installed Software
user pvpgn-magic-builder install d2gs 1.09d Including *.mpq files
After install the service start d2gs
After a few seconds to refresh, d2gs service has stopped.
08/22 19:49:37.566 ServerSetParameter: set working directory to "D:\pvpgn-magic-builder-2.13\d2gs"
08/22 19:49:37.566 D2GSControler: started, process id 2728
08/22 19:49:37.566 D2GSControler: D2GS Server is not running
08/22 19:49:37.566 RunServer: Using CmdLine "D2GS.EXE"
08/22 19:49:37.566 RunServer: Server started successfully, process id: 2444
08/22 19:49:41.700 D2GSControler: D2GS Server is not running
08/22 19:49:41.700 SetD2GSStopEvent: create an event NOT owned by d2gs
08/22 19:49:41.700 D2GSControler: stopped.
Double-click d2gs.exe
user this ver,Replace D2GS.exe D2GSSVC.exe d2server.dll these three files can work。
08/22 19:59:03.582 ServerSetParameter: set working directory to "D:\pvpgn-magic-builder-2.13\d2gs"
08/22 19:59:03.582 D2GSControler: started, process id 1996
08/22 19:59:03.582 D2GSControler: D2GS Server is not running
08/22 19:59:03.582 RunServer: Using CmdLine "D2GS.EXE"
08/22 19:59:03.597 RunServer: Server started successfully, process id: 2948
Thanks for the info. I update D2GS files to build8 in Magic Builder.
use windows 2012 build8 also have a small problem, only to double-click tu run,windows service can't run.
how to fix?
By default Windows service is running under "LOCAL SERVICE" or "SYSTEM" accounts. But compatibility mode you set to D2GS.exe is only for a current user that logged in. So, set up compatibility mode for all users should solve the problem.
Thank you. It was done. → [EN] Diablo → [Solved] about use pvpgn-magic-builder build d2gs1.09d