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Posts: 5


Topic: [Invalid] could not open bnwelcome.txt

coult not open bnwelcome.txt


Re: [Invalid] could not open bnwelcome.txt

сервер не может найти файл bnwelcome.txt


Re: [Invalid] could not open bnwelcome.txt

SkyFall wrote:

сервер не может найти файл bnwelcome.txt

Add new file welcome.txt to pvpgn


Re: [Invalid] could not open bnwelcome.txt

сервер не ищет welcome.txt
он ищет bnwelcome.txt
попробуй переименовать файл


Re: [Invalid] could not open bnwelcome.txt

Dante, there is no bnwelcome.txt in the official pvpgn.
It's your own modification and you should know better what this file is doing on your server and why it can not be opened for read.

Do not ask for support in PM.

Posts: 5

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