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Posts: 5

1 (edited by just2mad 05.05.2017 22:06)

Topic: Yuris Revenge - Quick Match

Hi, I'd like to make a Ladder for Yuris Revenge and met Pvpgn.

When I'm joining Quick Match, the Clients Requesting a Match, but they don't match anways.

FFG is working without Issues.

Screenshot and Debug-Log in Attachement. (Nickname1: aaaaaaaaa, Nickname2: wamwam)

Please help.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards

Added: 05.05.2017 20:53

I maybe found the misstake, but I'm not sure.

In the original Code Line 562 (anongame_wol.cpp):

                               if ((std::strcmp(command, "Match") == 0)) {
                                strcat(temp, ","); /* FIXME: This is DUMB - without that we lost the last tag/param */

                                for (p = temp; *p && (*p != '\0'); p++) {
                                        if ((*p == ',') || (*p == ' ')) {
                                                *p++ = '\0';
                                                if (temp[0] == ' ') /* Pelish: Emperor sends line without spaces but RA2/Yuri do */
                                                tag = temp;
                                                param = strchr(tag,'=');
                                                if (param)
                                                        *param++ = '\0';
                                                if (anongame_wol_set_playersetting(player, tag, param)==-1)
                                                        WARN2("[** WOL **] got unknown tag {} param {}", tag, param);
                                                temp = p;
                                _send_msg(conn, "PRIVMSG", ":Working");

I've changed if ((std::strcmp(command, "Match") == 0))  to higher than 0. I think it's the part where the players matches. But when I change the "Match" to 0, everytime i go to Quick Match, the bnetd-Daemon crashes with the following:

May 05 21:50:39 [info ] sd_accept: [30] accepted connection from on
May 05 21:50:39 [info ] conn_create: [30][-1] sessionkey=0x552488663 sessionnum=0x00000007
May 05 21:50:39 [debug] sd_accept: [30] client connected to a wolv2 listening address
May 05 21:50:39 [debug] handle_irc_common_line: [28] got "" "PRIVMSG" ["matchbot"] "Match COU=3, COL=1, MBR=1, LOC=1, RAT=3, RES=640, ADR=1560624138, NAT=1, PRT=1292"
May 05 21:50:39 [debug] anongame_wol_player_create: [** WOL **] annongame player created: aaaaaaaaa
May 05 21:50:39 [warn ] anongame_wol_tokenize_line: [** WOL **] got unknown tag MBR param 1
May 05 21:50:39 [warn ] anongame_wol_tokenize_line: [** WOL **] got unknown tag LOC param 1
May 05 21:50:39 [warn ] anongame_wol_tokenize_line: [** WOL **] got unknown tag RAT param 3
May 05 21:50:39 [warn ] anongame_wol_tokenize_line: [** WOL **] got unknown tag RES param 640
May 05 21:50:39 [warn ] anongame_wol_tokenize_line: [** WOL **] got unknown tag NAT param 1
FATAL ERROR: basic_string::erase

Thanks in advance!!


Re: Yuris Revenge - Quick Match

Hey, WWoL implementation was not finished since Pelish was started it. You can try connect to any existing servers where the problem is solved to analyze IRC traffic to do the same in pvpgn code: … ra2in.html

We will be glad if you could research this issue and create a pull request with a fix.

Do not ask for support in PM.

3 (edited by just2mad 08.05.2017 21:49)

Re: Yuris Revenge - Quick Match



Re: Yuris Revenge - Quick Match

Did you solve the issue?

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Yuris Revenge - Quick Match

Yes, i'll make a pull requested, when I have time for.

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