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Posts: 5

1 (edited by skyraider 23.05.2017 07:29)

Topic: Need help how to setup PVPGN Diablo 2 server

Hello, I'm Skyraider. I'm from Indonesia, and I really like to play Diablo 2. In the old days, I used to play LAN games with my friends, then switching to local Indonesian Battlenet server and after all Indonesian server closed, I switch again to the famous vanilla server Slashdiablo.

Unfortunately, the ping from Indonesia to USA is so high, around 300-500 ms which is not good for my mental health. I tried to endure it for 2 years with limited build that still can play good enough with that ping (mainly summoner)

Now after all this year, I'm thinking to make my own private vanilla server that my friends can connect to.

My objectives are :

  • Hosting only Diablo 2 1.13c Vanilla server

  • Can play Diablo 2 with the computer server so I don't use another computer just to play

  • My friends can connect to my PC to play together with me

But I'm overwhelmed with the so many build and version. I tried to search the forum for any installation guide but no one can enlighten me. So is there any guide or what should I install first to get it running ? I know I should install PVPGN first then D2GS but I don't have any idea after that. Any help will be appreciated.



Re: Need help how to setup PVPGN Diablo 2 server

It is simple to setup a server. Are you using a router? If so, you need to do extra works. This site have what you needed to start with

If you are using a router all your IP should be on all configs except address_translation.conf which should be your wan IP aka external IP.


Re: Need help how to setup PVPGN Diablo 2 server

Hi skyraider,

Meanski here from SlashDiablo.  Get in touch with me via the Discord link from our subreddit and I can assist with the setup.  I'm currently helping someone else with this so I can do yours afterwards.


Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: Need help how to setup PVPGN Diablo 2 server

I added D2GS Installation Guide
It should cover most questions for beginners.

Do not ask for support in PM.


Re: Need help how to setup PVPGN Diablo 2 server

HarpyWar wrote:

I added D2GS Installation Guide
It should cover most questions for beginners.

When I was starting to install and setup PvPGN and D2GS (this time around) I used your guide, Harpywar. It was helpful, but I was confused by the connection diagrams (amongst other things). They’re not confusing the way they are presented, but I couldn’t follow them because I had no frame of reference. I didn’t have some of the assumed understandings that a dude needs to have to follow your instructions correctly. (Don’t laugh, vets. We all learn at different speeds and come from many different backgrounds.)

Looking at your guide now, though, I can see that you really covered most of the important stuff. Most of the things I figured out by banging my head against my keyboard are actually covered in your guide. I think most people with a basic understanding of IP networking could follow this guide and have success. Nice work, man. Thanks for this.

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