Topic: HTML5 PvPGN Chat Client
I wrote an HTML5 Chat Client for PvPGN servers:
You can login with abcde/abcde to
If you would like to implement it for your PvPGN server let me know and I can help.
If you have some skills with HTML/CSS/Javascript and would like to help me improve the client also that would be appreciated!
Areas that need improvement:
Unicode support (doesnt exist currently)
Fix bug on iphone where msg text box for input gets pushed up
Return some commands in <pre></pre> like /games to fix formatting
Modify commands like "/games" to add "/games w2bn" automatically
How it works:
Websockify (python) server runs on a given port and takes input from regular HTML5 websockets. It opens a real TCP connection from the webserver to PvPGN telnet. It then acts as a bridge between the HTML5 user and PvPGN server.
I wrote the javascript that handles the interaction between HTML5 client and Websockify to the PvPGN server, wspvpgn.js