Topic: Failed to join game on running D2GS?
I'm using:
1. PvPGN 1.99
2. D2GS 1.10 Build 6
3. Diablo II 1.10 MPQ files (original, from CD) + Eastern Sun 3.00 (mod files)
PvPGN is running on Ubuntu, D2GS on Wine.
When I play for 10-15 minutes, it logs me out from the game, when I try to create a new game it gives me "Failed to join game".
Any suggestions? :-(
1/22 16:24:20.468 D2GSGameListInsert: Insert into game list 'Gsfdg' (11)
11/22 16:24:20.468 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: Created game 'Gsfdg', 11,expansion,normal,softcore,ladder, seqno=53
11/22 16:24:20.468 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: GameInfo: 'Gsfdg','','', By Killah(*admin)@
11/22 16:24:20.506 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: Killah(*admin) join game 'Gsfdg', id=11(exp,normal,softcore,ladder)
11/22 16:25:20.538 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Gsfdg', id=11(exp,normal,softcore,ladder)
11/22 16:25:20.538 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(1) character in game 'Gsfdg' (11)
11/22 16:25:20.913 D2GSDeletePendingChar: Delete a pending char Killah(*admin) in an already closed game
Nov 22 16:29:00 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [24] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Nov 22 16:29:00 [info ] conn_destroy: [24] closed file connection
Nov 22 16:29:11 [error] file_to_mod_time: file /home/trinity/pvpgn/var/pvpgn/files/ad000002.smk not found
Nov 22 16:29:11 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1511360921, now: 1511360951, now-lc: 30.
Nov 22 16:29:11 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Nov 22 16:29:11 [info ] sd_accept: [24] accepted connection from on
Nov 22 16:29:11 [info ] conn_create: [24][20] sessionkey=0x226613609 sessionnum=0x00000049
Nov 22 16:29:11 [debug] sd_accept: [24] client connected to a bnet listening address
Nov 22 16:29:11 [info ] handle_init_packet: [24] client initiated file download connection
Nov 22 16:29:11 [trace] conn_shutdown: [24] connection already closed
Nov 22 16:29:11 [error] file_send: file /home/trinity/pvpgn/var/pvpgn/files/ad000002.smk not found
Nov 22 16:29:14 [debug] _client_startgame4: [23] got startgame4 status for game "Gsfg" is 0x00000000 (gametype=0x0000 option=0x0000, flag=0x0000)
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] game_create: game "Gsfg" (pass "") type 19(Diablo II (closed)) startver 4 created
Nov 22 16:29:14 [debug] _client_joingame: [23] trying to join game "Gsfg" pass=""
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] _client_joingame: [23] "admin" joined game "Gsfg"
Nov 22 16:29:17 [trace] sql_write_attrs: multi-update query: UPDATE pvpgn_BNET SET acct_lastlogin_time = '1511360657' WHERE uid = '1'
Nov 22 16:29:17 [debug] attrlayer_save: saved 1 user accounts
Nov 22 16:29:27 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [24] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Nov 22 16:29:27 [info ] conn_destroy: [24] closed file connection
Nov 22 16:29:45 [info ] _client_closegame: [23] client closing game
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_del_player: game "Gsfg" has ref=1, count=1; trying to remove player "admin"
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_del_player: removing player #0 "admin" from "Gsfg", 0 players left
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_del_player: player "admin" left without reporting (valid) results
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_del_player: player deleted... (ref=1)
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_del_player: no more players, reporting game
Nov 22 16:29:45 [info ] game_report: diablo gamereport disabled: ignoring game
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_del_player: no more players, destroying game
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_destroy: game "Gsfg" (count=1 ref=1) removed from list...
Nov 22 16:29:45 [info ] game_destroy: game deleted
Nov 22 16:29:46 [debug] trans_net: checking for client ...
Nov 22 16:29:46 [debug] trans_net: no match found for (not translated)
Nov 22 16:29:46 [debug] on_d2cs_accountloginreq: user admin loggedin on d2cs
Nov 22 16:29:46 [debug] on_d2cs_charloginreq: loaded portrait for character Killah
Nov 22 16:29:46 [debug] _client_progident2: [23] CLIENT_PROGIDENT2 clienttag=0x44325850
Nov 22 16:29:46 [trace] conn_set_playerinfo: [23] playerinfo request for client "D2XP" playerinfo="Eastern Sun,Killah"
Nov 22 16:29:46 [trace] _client_motdw3: lastnews() 1396065966 news_time 1096599967
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] d2cs_game_create: game Gsfg pass= desc=gameflag=0x00300004 created (1 total)
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] on_client_creategamereq: request create game Gsfg on gs 1
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] on_d2gs_creategamereply: game Gsfg created on gs 1
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] on_client_joingamereq: request join game Gsfg for character Killah on gs 1
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] on_d2gs_joingamereply: added Killah to game Gsfg on gs 1
Nov 22 16:29:14 [debug] trans_net: checking for client ...
Nov 22 16:29:14 [debug] trans_net: no match found for (not translated)
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] on_d2gs_joingamereply: no translation required for gamserver
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] d2cs_conn_destroy: [4] closed connection 20 (2 left)
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] server_accept: accept connection from
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] d2cs_conn_create: created session=21 socket=4 (3 current connections)
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] on_d2cs_initconn: [4] client initiated d2cs connection
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] on_client_loginreq: got client (*admin) login request sessionnum=0x28
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] on_bnetd_accountloginreply: account admin authed
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] on_client_charloginreq: got character Killah(*admin) login request
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] on_bnetd_charloginreply: character Killah authed