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Topic: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

I'm using:
1. PvPGN 1.99
2. D2GS 1.10 Build 6
3. Diablo II 1.10 MPQ files (original, from CD) + Eastern Sun 3.00 (mod files)

PvPGN is running on Ubuntu, D2GS on Wine.

When I play for 10-15 minutes, it logs me out from the game, when I try to create a new game it gives me "Failed to join game".

Any suggestions? :-(



1/22 16:24:20.468 D2GSGameListInsert: Insert into game list 'Gsfdg' (11)
11/22 16:24:20.468 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: Created game 'Gsfdg', 11,expansion,normal,softcore,ladder, seqno=53
11/22 16:24:20.468 D2CSCreateEmptyGame: GameInfo: 'Gsfdg','','', By Killah(*admin)@
11/22 16:24:20.506 D2CSClientJoinGameRequest: Killah(*admin) join game 'Gsfdg', id=11(exp,normal,softcore,ladder)
11/22 16:25:20.538 D2GSCBCloseGame: Close game 'Gsfdg', id=11(exp,normal,softcore,ladder)
11/22 16:25:20.538 D2GSDeleteAllCharInGame: Delete 0(1) character in game 'Gsfdg' (11)
11/22 16:25:20.913 D2GSDeletePendingChar: Delete a pending char Killah(*admin) in an already closed game


Nov 22 16:29:00 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [24] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Nov 22 16:29:00 [info ] conn_destroy: [24] closed file connection
Nov 22 16:29:11 [error] file_to_mod_time: file /home/trinity/pvpgn/var/pvpgn/files/ad000002.smk not found
Nov 22 16:29:11 [debug] ipbanlist_check: lastcheck: 1511360921, now: 1511360951, now-lc: 30.
Nov 22 16:29:11 [debug] ipbanlist_check: checking
Nov 22 16:29:11 [info ] sd_accept: [24] accepted connection from on
Nov 22 16:29:11 [info ] conn_create: [24][20] sessionkey=0x226613609 sessionnum=0x00000049
Nov 22 16:29:11 [debug] sd_accept: [24] client connected to a bnet listening address
Nov 22 16:29:11 [info ] handle_init_packet: [24] client initiated file download connection
Nov 22 16:29:11 [trace] conn_shutdown: [24] connection already closed
Nov 22 16:29:11 [error] file_send: file /home/trinity/pvpgn/var/pvpgn/files/ad000002.smk not found
Nov 22 16:29:14 [debug] _client_startgame4: [23] got startgame4 status for game "Gsfg" is 0x00000000 (gametype=0x0000 option=0x0000, flag=0x0000)
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] game_create: game "Gsfg" (pass "") type 19(Diablo II (closed)) startver 4 created
Nov 22 16:29:14 [debug] _client_joingame: [23] trying to join game "Gsfg" pass=""
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] _client_joingame: [23] "admin" joined game "Gsfg"
Nov 22 16:29:17 [trace] sql_write_attrs: multi-update query: UPDATE pvpgn_BNET SET acct_lastlogin_time = '1511360657' WHERE uid = '1'
Nov 22 16:29:17 [debug] attrlayer_save: saved 1 user accounts
Nov 22 16:29:27 [debug] sd_tcpinput: [24] read returned -1 (closing connection)
Nov 22 16:29:27 [info ] conn_destroy: [24] closed file connection
Nov 22 16:29:45 [info ] _client_closegame: [23] client closing game
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_del_player: game "Gsfg" has ref=1, count=1; trying to remove player "admin"
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_del_player: removing player #0 "admin" from "Gsfg", 0 players left
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_del_player: player "admin" left without reporting (valid) results
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_del_player: player deleted... (ref=1)
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_del_player: no more players, reporting game
Nov 22 16:29:45 [info ] game_report: diablo gamereport disabled: ignoring game
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_del_player: no more players, destroying game
Nov 22 16:29:45 [debug] game_destroy: game "Gsfg" (count=1 ref=1) removed from list...
Nov 22 16:29:45 [info ] game_destroy: game deleted
Nov 22 16:29:46 [debug] trans_net: checking for client ...
Nov 22 16:29:46 [debug] trans_net: no match found for (not translated)
Nov 22 16:29:46 [debug] on_d2cs_accountloginreq: user admin loggedin on d2cs
Nov 22 16:29:46 [debug] on_d2cs_charloginreq: loaded portrait for character Killah
Nov 22 16:29:46 [debug] _client_progident2: [23] CLIENT_PROGIDENT2 clienttag=0x44325850
Nov 22 16:29:46 [trace] conn_set_playerinfo: [23] playerinfo request for client "D2XP" playerinfo="Eastern Sun,Killah"
Nov 22 16:29:46 [trace] _client_motdw3: lastnews() 1396065966 news_time 1096599967


Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] d2cs_game_create: game Gsfg pass= desc=gameflag=0x00300004 created (1 total)
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] on_client_creategamereq: request create game Gsfg on gs 1
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] on_d2gs_creategamereply: game Gsfg created on gs 1
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] on_client_joingamereq: request join game Gsfg for character Killah on gs 1
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] on_d2gs_joingamereply: added Killah to game Gsfg on gs 1
Nov 22 16:29:14 [debug] trans_net: checking for client ...
Nov 22 16:29:14 [debug] trans_net: no match found for (not translated)
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] on_d2gs_joingamereply: no translation required for gamserver
Nov 22 16:29:14 [info ] d2cs_conn_destroy: [4] closed connection 20 (2 left)
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] server_accept: accept connection from
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] d2cs_conn_create: created session=21 socket=4 (3 current connections)
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] on_d2cs_initconn: [4] client initiated d2cs connection
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] on_client_loginreq: got client (*admin) login request sessionnum=0x28
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] on_bnetd_accountloginreply: account admin authed
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] on_client_charloginreq: got character Killah(*admin) login request
Nov 22 16:29:46 [info ] on_bnetd_charloginreply: character Killah authed


Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

Were you idle in the game?

This thread may be of use to you:

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

Yes, but about 5-6 minutes. Mine is 14400 seconds (in D2GS). Is it OK?

Added: 22.11.2017 20:53

Update! It indeed drops me and my friend if one of us don't move within the map. Why is that? Can I remove this issue? :-)

max_game_idletime is 0 in my d2cs.conf...


Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

Did you rehash or restart the server after making that config change?

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

Actually, d2gs.conf was with max_game_idletime=0 as a default. Should I change it? Does 0 means `forever`?

I saw this in d2cs.conf:

# Maxinum time in seconds that a user can idle
# Zero = infinite
idletime                =       3600

I can try changing it to 0 - I'm almost sure, that this is the problem.


Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

How many players are online on the server?

I noticed that this happens every time I reboot my D2GS process in the morning, when there is almost nobody online..

The first players that trying to create game, sometimes this happens.. but soon after they can create games again.

Only you who are connected to the server creating games? or do you have more players running games on the server?

Diablo 2 Online

Itens - Armory - Market - Clans - Builds - Planner


Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

Yep! I'd update that, restart the server and hopefully, Bob is your uncle.

Added: 22.11.2017 18:08

@Feofilaktt - you have to restart your GS every day??

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

Meanski wrote:

@Feofilaktt - you have to restart your GS every day??


Every two days! I reboot the D2GS in the morning along with the D2CS.

Due to this problem not yet configured sad

Problem ->

Diablo 2 Online

Itens - Armory - Market - Clans - Builds - Planner


Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

We're total 3 players haha. The interesting thing is, that D2GS is still running, showing good status.

I have been running the server, idle-ling in a game for 2 hours, there wasn't any problems. Then, I restarted the D2GS from the console, and the problem appeared again. I'm noticing, that the idle-ing thing happens only when the window is minimized.

BTW, I'm shooting in the dark with the idle issue. It might be something completely different, like mod incompatible situation.

Added: 24.11.2017 06:16

Well, the problem remains the same. Everything works fine, but sometimes D2GS causes some issues, and I have to "restart 1" it - which solves the "Failed to join" problem.

I've found an error, I'm not sure if it's related:

(*)QSRV: [NTRdQ] I/O err 676 on client 1 refcount=1

Added: 24.11.2017 06:46


Since I'm using a custom mod (Eastern Sun) - some of my players told me, that they first tried to log-in the game, using the original 1.10. Could that be the issue? Because I think they didn't deleted the old character, and they now play with it?

10 (edited by hehpe 24.11.2017 11:35)

Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

You know for ES mod you have to make the hero save files larger than 8 kb and it's code related.


Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

That would be my next bet - try do the original patch for 24hours and see if you and your friends have any problems.

@htorbov - I think your friend may have been posting about this ES server on the D2 Facebook group? He added me cos I think he said you were having problems.  Small world big_smile

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

@hehpe, yeah, I know about that, but we're 4-5 level, it can't be that... :-\

@Meanski, lol yes, he wants to play so badly... but I don't have much time to look into the problem and he's searching for answers for me! big_smile I might try the original patch, yes...


Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

@htorbov - hah, thought that might have been him!

How did you get on with testing the original patch?

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions


Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

Meanski wrote:

@htorbov - hah, thought that might have been him!

How did you get on with testing the original patch?

So.. I didn't tested the original patch, but I saw the error that it's causing it (attached file). Any ideas?


Re: Failed to join game on running D2GS?

Doesn't really say too much other than it is exiting the .exe

You able to post the D2-XXXXX.log ?

Owner of SlashDiablo - One of the oldest and most well known Diablo II servers
Admin of Resurgence - Vanilla++ mod
Co-Founder of Hellforged - Diablo 09 built on 1.13 engine (current work in progress)
Founder of - Dedicated Discord server for PvPGN/D2GS questions

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